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Press Release

“Technoart” Incubator To Be Launched In Tel Aviv: A Space For Technological Startups To Revolutionize The Art Business Models

The digital media ways of distribution have brought on many opportunities for independent artists, but also left them with minimal tools to generate revenue from their art. The main challenge of the art community today is dealing with the need to develop a new business model that will be relevant an壯陽藥 d help artists in...

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A helping hand for artists and musicians

While Steve Jobs may have ushered in a new era converging art and technology, the two industries continue to look for innovative ways to work together.

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The TechnoArt Conference – Where technology and art meet in Tel Aviv, Israel

TechnoArt, an international conference on innovation and creativity, will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel on December 13th-16th 2018. The 3-day confer高仿lv ence will celebrate the world of innovation in the digital era and will be hosted by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

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A tale of two Israeli technology incubators

TechnoArt lays claim to being the first technology incubator in the world devoted to developing new technologie日本藤素 s related to the world of art, music, video and dance.

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Viacom Lab ציגי יגיעו השבוע לישראל לאתר סטארטאפים לשיתופי פעולה והשקעה נציגי

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The ceremony to mark the start of construction on the High Line – an elevated park built on part of an abandoned railroad line in Manhattan’s Lower West Side – about a decade ago was attended by a small number of ar...

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בכירי ענקיות המוזיקה Warner, Sony & Spotify ישתתפו בכנס TechnoArt LIVE 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. [/vc_column_text][/vc_colu...

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Architect Behind New York’s High Line Joined TechnoArts Board

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]נציגי החברה, ובהם סגן הנשיא של זרוע ההשקעות של ענקית המדיה הבינלאומית, יגיעו לכנס Technoart Conference במטרה למצוא מיזמים טכנולוגיים שעוסקים בעולמות התוכן והמדיה הכתבה בחסותהשבוע ייפתח כ...

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